The Final Chapter (or Not); What's Next?
Hello, everyone!

It's been a while since I've posted on here (almost two years, WOW!). Y'all may have been wondering what happened to me, or maybe not, but I'm here to say that I (might) be back.

In the last (almost) two years, I've been focusing more and more on my undergraduate college experience. I've made more friends, while keeping in touch with old ones, I visited Europe (London, Venice, Porcia, Milan, and Paris), I've joined a bunch of academic fraternities, and held at least one office in each one, I've joined a sorority (something I never thought would happen), I've been a summer camp counselor (and will be one again this summer, though it's as a culinary counselor this time around), I've been a resident assistant in my university's dorms I've applied to graduate schools, and I'm just about to graduate. That's a lot to have down in the short amount of time that I've been away, but I really think that stepping away from the blog and focusing on myself.

However, now that I've done all of those things, I feel like it's about time to come back to my baby, my book blog. I think I'll have way more time than I had previously had, and will be able to focus on the quality of my writing, at least more than I had before.

While I'm coming back to the blog, I'm not sure that I will be reading YA and New Adult books all that much anymore. I may have closed the chapter on the part of my life that really enjoyed reading Young Adult books-- I like being able to feel like I am the character, and with YA characters being much younger than I am, it just feels kind of weird to read about their situations. But! I'm not dragging on other reviewers reading Young Adult, it just isn't right for me anymore.
So, there it is! I'm back, though I have no idea when I'll make my first book-related post, and I'll try not to leave for so long again.
Love and all things good,
Cierra XOXO
I love it when people comment! :D