Blog Tour Stop: Shadow of the Blood Moon by Robin P. Waldrop - Review & Giveaway

12:00 AM 3 Comments A + a -

Blog Tour Stop: Shadow Slayer by Laura A.H. Elliot- Review & Giveaway

12:00 AM 1 Comments A + a -


Blog Tour Stop: Birthright by Willow Cross- Excerpt

12:00 AM 0 Comments A + a -

Author Willow Cross has stopped by today with a teaser of Birthright (The Dark Gifts Series). Check it out!

Promo: Emily's Trial by Natalie Wright

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Emily's Trial

Book Blast #3: Flight by J.A. Huss

6:59 AM 6 Comments A + a -

Flight *I Am Just Junco #3)
Author: J.A. Huss

You don’t want to owe that Luck bastard anything. It always asks for something in return.
There’s a new twist on an old prophecy and this one brings the End of Days. Junco must make a choice – human or avian? Only one race can survive.
Lucan has secrets and the lies are flowing like a mountain river during spring thaw. But he needs Junco to cooperate just a little bit longer or it all falls apart.
The Siblings on Earth are waiting for the Seventh to return and pull their clutch together. But Earth has secrets too – secrets that change everything.
Junco has survived against impossible odds, but the cost of survival is higher than she ever imagined. Luck is about to catch up with Junco Coot and her debt must be paid.
CONTENT WARNING - You know the drill...this is Junco we're talking about, right? Bad language, no qualms about killing.

Flight Trailer



a Rafflecopter giveaway

Beautiful Creatures: Movie Trailer

6:41 PM 1 Comments A + a -

Hey guys!!

So, have any of you all either read the book Beautiful Creatures, or have heard of it (I've read it). Well, they're coming out with the movie, and here is the trailer for it:

Does anyone else feel weird in that the fact that they used actors/ actresses that look way older than teenagers in high school. While I was watching the trailer, the one thing I thought the whole time was: I DO NOT LOOK THAT OLD!!! I was also thinking that this trailer made the book look better than how I thought it was (I didn't really like the book). I would like to watch this movie, but the fact that they used older people for younger roles would bother me the whole time.... Call me wierd, it's okay. I know I'm wierd.

Well, that's all for today folks!
(P.S. check out my new signature down there â†“)

Free Dream Slayer Weekend!

9:06 PM 2 Comments A + a -

So, guys, Jill Cooper, the author of Dream Slayer and the upcoming book The Dream Royale, is having a 'Free Dream Slayer weekend' for The Demon Royale release day that's coming up.

This weekend, Dream Slayer will be free on Amazon, starting on Friday October 12th, through Sunday October 14th. 

There is also a giveaway: chance to win a $50 Amazon gift card....

Book Blast #2: Fledge by J.A. Huss

12:00 AM 2 Comments A + a -


Cover Reveal: Centaur Legacy by Nancy Straight

12:00 AM 1 Comments A + a -

Upcoming Releases: October 2012

12:46 AM 0 Comments A + a -

For Darkness Shows the Stars by Diana Peterfreund

12:00 AM 0 Comments A + a -

Blog Tour Stop: Dead Perfect by P.G. Shriver

3:30 AM 0 Comments A + a -

Release Day: Flukes by Nichole Chase

12:00 AM 0 Comments A + a -

Cover Reveal: Forbidden Forest by

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Book Blast: Clutch by JA Huss

12:00 AM 2 Comments A + a -



Release Day: Awaken by Kristin Day

12:00 AM 0 Comments A + a -

Today is the release day of the second installment of the Daughters of the Sea series, Awaken by author Kristen Day!

Awaken (Daughters of the Sea 2)

Cover Reval: Purgatory Reign by LM Preston & Giveaway

12:00 AM 0 Comments A + a -

Purgatory Reign